Tobi Nifesi

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Dear Eniola

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To Eniola,

This is more of a tribute than a muse. This is written to the only woman in my life - that female that is yet to give up on me. I met you about eighteen years ago; that was the moment I knew we would be together for a long time. I’m not exactly sure what I saw in you, but amongst all the women that were around me at that moment, I knew you were the one. Your hands knew the right ways to hold me and your embrace always came at the right time. I was the centre of attention at the time; and for some reasons people kept congratulating you; probably because they knew you had caught my attention. As time went on, my fame began to fade. Those physical changes set in, I started looking regular and no one saw anything distinct in me, I thought you would leave too. You didn’t. You were there all through it. Even when I was kept under the tutelage of the so called academic indoctrinator, you made certain that you were never far away. You made my well being your paramount concern and my moral shortcomings, your problem. You employed several methods, including the rod, to deal with those problems and you were successful. Your personality defined the term Independent and one way or the other, you imbued in me that salient trait. As I got older and my dreams got wider, I started getting the urge to spend less and lesser time with you. I’m not sure how you felt about that but you understood. You told me to chase my dreams and never give up, you made me believe I had it in me. Your words saw me through. Distance set in but your calls were timely. You’re an indispensable gift from God; no one can replace you. Therefore, I have made it my lifelong dream to reward you. My sweats, earnings and success will be part of my little accolades to you. They are worthless compared to what you deserve but as long as you live, they will be your source of happiness. When you finally leave for the beyond, your immeasurable rewards will await you at the gates of heaven. I love you. May You live long, Happy Birthday Mom. 

Sincerely yours,

Tobi Nifesi.