Tobi Nifesi

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Guardian Angels

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Fastened ropes held my feet

My prey stared from a distance

I endured the Taiga breeze.

Separated by our alliance

We sat; leaning back to back

sketching setbacks.

Lost three souls

As we surpassed the seventh billion.

Their families cawed

And made sounds unknown to an odeon.

The Innocent fell

At the dinning sounds of shells.

Despite these,

Our faith in humanity

Keeps us at ease

And our prayers allays the sting.

Thus, these two stand parallel;

The resilience of humanity and the illusion of guardian angels.

- Steadily railing against evil

                                                                                                                  - Tobi Nifesi


We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.'  ~ Luciano de Crescenzo