Penciled Thoughts

            It’s that inkling. See what I did there? No? I’ll write that again anyways. It’s that inkling. Like the faint and the foggy, it’s a damning inclination. It steps in for a bit and it’s entirely your choice to either let it fester or to ignore it like it was never there. It’s the sentence between the lines written in its subtlest form. You, alone, can read it if you choose to. It could be as clear as a bell or as abstruse as when your girl says she’s fine. Take it for its face value and you may or may not know its worth.

It is here for a while, that much I know. It knows a lot of barriers. A lot. For starters, you – yourself – could be one. It might need to breakthrough you to germinate but it can’t do that without you. You’re thinking of a seed right now. Yes, that's exactly what it is – a seed. A seed, enclosed by its testa, settling deep within the element far away from all that glimmers - its very design is a barrier. Plow the earth and it may grow.

We all have it. If you sleep and breathe (you don’t have to eat), you have it. We are all equals in that respect. No, it’s not tangible. Think again. It’s neither the slice nor the unit. It’s what’s in-between. Some dwell on it, others run far away from whatever looks like it. It’s the difference between the two. Like an inability to walk on air, we all have it.

Think deep. Not too deep, just think well. Not hard, just far enough to appreciate your ability to process your thoughts and express them. Think about thinking and how thinking is not a solution but a mere technique that isn’t guaranteed to work. Think about how free it is to think – call that freethinking (insert wink face emoji). Think about how far your mind can roam without getting any answers. That’s deep - look at that iceberg again. 

We all can think. We all can process our thoughts and track the logic behind them. We are logical and rational. We are not stupid (Unless you climbed an electric pole to stitch the wires, knowing fully well that you have no electrical training whatsoever, don’t bother getting yourself checked – you are stupid.) We have

common sense.

Common sense is like a penciled thought. It exists and is noted but can easily be erased without putting it to fruition. It’s so common that it’s easily overlooked. We all have it though but the lots of us choose to disregard it. Just sit back and think about how far some people would have gotten if they didn’t disregard their common sense but put it to good use.

The fact that common sense is actually common makes one who, just feels they are wiser than most, to do the most stupid things – cue the very wise ones that have died on the electric pole doing what nobody (I repeat, nobody) sent them to. Their ancestors didn’t die for that. As with a lot of things in life, the choice is ours. Choose wisely - use your common sense.

For the sake of emphasis, read Proverbs 26:12. 

                                                                                                                          - Tobi Nifesi

Tobi NifesiScribbles