Local author brings awareness using fiction - CHVN 95.1 FM
A recently published book touches on topics being discussed today on the National Day of Remembrance. Domestic violence is an issue across the world and on a day like National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, it is a topic that can be brought up over and over again.
Tobi Nifesi on Soul Unexpected by Adeline Bird
A conversation with Tobi Nifesi about #DomesticNovel, mental health and self worth.
The ability to make art is inherent within all of us but something gets lost along the way as we navigate the difficulties of life and grow up to be functioning and responsible adults. Author Tobi Nifesi discusses this phenomena in this 20x20 talk, and here he explains how to get back the same passion to create as u once were as a child.
Tobi nifesi on Travelling Minds podcast
In this episode of the travelling minds podcast, Tobi connects how his storytelling with legos as a kid in Nigeria were building blocks to observing the people around him, writing, and continuing to take chances. He also shares his thoughts on travel, the concept of of home and his most recent book: The Burgess Theory.
book review for the burgess theory
“The Burgess Theory is a book that encourages you to pay attention to every detail, if you become mindless or blink too much, you might actually miss a large chunk of information. I particularly liked how the writer married various scenarios; there is just something about the writing style that I enjoy.”