If the cost of everything is on the rise, supplies of essential goods are running low, and the real solutions to local and global crises are beyond anything that we can, individually or collectively, do, I wonder if our only viable option is to chuck it all up to fate, faith, or something else.
Read MoreI want a disease-free world for my family and friends. Particularly, a world free from that virus.
Read MoreWe need beginnings to make sense of endings. Good storytellers understand this, and so they find ways to hide the beginning of their stories from their audience.
Read MoreIt’s mid-January, so, it’s that time of the month when many people realize that their new year resolutions weren’t so realistic after all.
Read MoreThanks for being a part of this community of readers. I’m looking forward to sharing more thoughts and memories with you this year.
Read MoreCast your mind back to a time when you had all sorts of plans drawn up and, from there, follow the blueprints back to the present.
Read MoreI don’t understand the concept of time. Of course, at a high level, I know what time means in the context of a clock, the Gregorian calendar, or the rotation of the earth and its revolution around the sun. But, as a concept, I have no clue what time means.
Read MoreLerit and I realize how incredibly blessed and privileged we are to be parents and are looking forward to stepping into this next phase of our lives and relationship.
Read MoreI couldn’t bring myself to scribble down anything meaningful today.
Read More“I don’t understand, but sure.” — these were some of the last words someone, who died recently, said to me about two and a half years ago.
Read MoreI wonder if there’s a part of me that doesn’t quite understand what help really means.
Read MoreSo, if you tend to liken life to activity, remember that sometimes, activity can suck the life out of you.
Read MoreWhat does community really mean?
Read MoreInstead of shying away completely from apologies or saying them too often, I’m learning how to say and use them meaningfully.
Read MoreMaybe it’s time we focused more on the little, few things that matter and less on the excesses that tend to lurk around. Maybe it’s time to be brief.
Read MoreIt’s time to rethink this icebreaker
Read MoreBut this letter isn’t about Pratt; it’s about the lives he destroyed and those still being marginalized by individuals and governments with similar beliefs. It’s a reminder that more than a century later, yes, especially now, we must be mindful of how our words and actions impact the lives of those around us.
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